We met in high school, got married, and are living life together one day at a time. We have a baby girl on the way and couldn't be more excited! Follow along with our journey!

Crazy, busy weekend 1

Last Thursday, at 18 weeks 2 days, I felt the baby move! I was calling my parents for our nightly talk, and the baby kicked me. Immediately Evan put his hand on my belly and felt it too! A few minutes later it felt like the baby had the hiccups, it was so cool :)

Friday was the big day! IT'S A GIRL! We found out that everything is perfect, her weight/size is measuring great, heartbeat is great, they checked a ton of things like 10 fingers/toes, spine, skull etc. and the doctor says everything looks great!!!

There's a profile of our baby girl, and the crotch of our baby girl ;) I have a lot more pictures too, Evan posted them on facebook and I probably will too eventually, but right now I figure these 2 can satisfy you for a while!

Evan and I both just wanted a healthy baby, we really didn't prefer one or the other, but we had only been able to decide on a boys name, boys bedding/room theme/stroller etc. so I guess maybe for that reason we were almost expecting a boy. We are thrilled about a girl though, we have a lot of work ahead of us, especially with her name because we CANNOT find a name we really like, but we have time!

On the way home we went to hallmart and bought a balloon that read "It's a Girl" and they gave us a box so we could put the balloon in the box, and wrap it and that's how we planned to reveal it to our parents! Then we went home and met the carpet cleaners who cleaned practically the whole house. They were really good and quick and now I feel like our house is so much cleaner!

Dinner was great, we sat down and immediately had Mackenzie opening the box that would reveal what everyone had been waiting for all day...here's the short video

After dinner, we immediately headed over to Babies R Us to look at girlie stuff!!! My parents decided a couple months ago that they wanted to buy us a crib, but we hadn't been able to find one we liked in the color we wanted but it was our lucky night, we finally found one! And this one even had a matching dresser/changing table combo which we love :) My parents bought us both of these and they were a decent price too. They were both in stock but we didn't have a truck with us so we were going to come back on Sunday to pick them up. It was so exciting just to know that we finally found the furniture for our girlie :) Ok...that's all for tonight, will post more stuff tomorrow!


Casey Martinez said...

I just got my unmotivated self onto your blog and it made my day:) I love how big your baby girl is now and all the detail on her perfect face! Great idea for telling the family too:). I would love to do something like that if our family was also closer by:). So very excited for you guys!! Looking forward to seeing that pretty crib and nursery all set up! :) Congrats again!

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