Hello all...it's been a while, I know, and again I apologize. I'm sure there is a lot that has happened since I last posted, but nothing too huge that I felt I needed to blog about it. We did buy the stroller that I posted about last time, it's all put together and in her room, YAY! We have a good amount of stuff registered at Babies R Us and Target which seemed to take FOREVER, and I'm sure there are things missing, but I'm so tired of registering so I'll have to come back to that a little later. We also bought the crib mattress, Babies R Us came out with a 30% off coupon for 1 day only and it was on the brand of mattress that we had picked out so we got it for about $80 which is a good deal for those! Yay for having a couple things in her room now :)
I've been kind of out of it lately. Just tired, a little down, too. We have 4 months until our little girl arrives, and I really really want to be in Apex. It just seems like it's just gettting farther and farther away :( I want to be close to my parents, my sister, my church, etc. When our daughter gets here, I want her grandparents to be able to come over whenever they want. I want to be able to run to the store, leave 10 min. before church starts instead of 35min. I mean it's ridiculous the amount we drive to and from things. Almost everywhere we goes takes 30 min. or more to get to. We're going to take a leap of faith and put our house on the market, within the next week or 2 and I just ask that you all would pray for us. I pray that somewhere, God would send us a buyer and we would get a decent amount for the house (considering the crappy economy) and that we would find a house. That's a lot of prayers I know, but we're really praying for a miracle.
Our Hope Chapel playgroup is now complete! Casey and Joey found out today that they are, too, having a baby girl which makes it 3 girls and 1 boy! Lindsay & Brian are having a girl and they have picked a name out! And Lindsey & Todd are having a boy and they have chosen a name as well! It's so exciting!!! I can't wait to be able to call our little girl by her own name, but it looks like that may not be in the near future. We can't seem to decide on anything, well really we can't come up with too many names that we are in love with. Everyone says not to worry, it will come....but I want to name her now!!!
I'm growing a lot as of late. Everyone is commenting now on how pregnant I look. One of my coworkers said "Man you really blew up this past weekend didn't you?" Not in a bad way, but it did make me realize how much bigger I am now then I was just a few weeks ago. I don't mind being big, gaining weight, nothing like that but I definitely physically feel bigger. The way I walk, the way I sit down and get up, and especially when I get in and out of bed I can really tell how big my belly is. It's funny how I feel, it's unexplainable, but cool! I'll try to take some more pictures, but I honestly don't wear real clothes much and when I do, I don't do much so I don't have a reason to take pictures. I don't think anyone wants to see my "naked" belly pictures that I take every week but it's crazy to look at the difference between 5 weeks and last week at 21 weeks...crazy!!!! Oh, and she's moving like crazy. She's most active on my drive home from work and right before I eat. Yesterday I felt like I was going to fall off the couch she was moving so much, and I can usually see when she's moving just by looking at my stomach. And I can feel where she is sometimes, it's like my stomachs tense and hard and I can massage it and feel her move over to the other side...it's really kind of cool. My co-worker felt her this morning and was like oh yea, that's totally her head!
I think my first baby shower is going to happen at the end of next month up in Ashe with the Chaisson family. It's a little early but I don't plan on making any more trips to Ashe past Christmas they're going to have it before the holidays! I'm so excited, it's going to be crazy having a ton of actual baby stuff everywhere, I can't wait!!! Alright, I think I've filled most of the gaps. Hopefully I'll have something to blog about soon, take care :)
I need your opinions. Evan and I had picked out a stroller for a boy, but we are having a girl so we're trying to decide whether this particular stroller is too boyish---or if it will be ok. We really like everything about the stroller otherwise, so tell me...do you think it's ok for a girl, or is it too boyish?
Blue, tan and brown polka-dots are cute, but it's a lot of brown, that's the only thing that really bothers me. Honestly, there aren't too many neutral designs out there, and we definitely don't want something pink and girlish. We hope to be able to use the same stroller for our next child who could possibly be a boy...but we also don't want our girl to look silly in a too-boyish stroller. So serious opinions would be appreciated. It won't upset me, I just want to know what other people think. 4 comments Posted by Evan and Jen at 7:45 PM
Blue, tan and brown polka-dots are cute, but it's a lot of brown, that's the only thing that really bothers me. Honestly, there aren't too many neutral designs out there, and we definitely don't want something pink and girlish. We hope to be able to use the same stroller for our next child who could possibly be a boy...but we also don't want our girl to look silly in a too-boyish stroller. So serious opinions would be appreciated. It won't upset me, I just want to know what other people think. 4 comments Posted by Evan and Jen at 7:45 PM
Crazy, busy weekend part 2
Ok, so Evan's parents and Stephanie (his sister) spent the night last Friday night. Saturday morning we slept in a little and had a nice bacon and eggs breakfast, YUM :) Donna had brought us some newborn diapers from Luvs that were on major clearance so that was exciting, we had baby diapers in the house!!! Then, Tammy, a woman from Evan's church back at home sent a book of soothing CD's for the baby. They're really nice and include Mozart, washer/dryer noises etc. really really neat! That was exciting because it's really the first baby stuff we had in the house. We decided to go shopping a little! We went to World Market, Kohl's, and Target. They bought us a couple gowns/body suits for the baby girl. They were cute, green with monkeys, giraffes etc. They also bought the cutest pair of brown shoes with pink polka dots, and boy am I a sucker for polka dots. Kohl's was selling some of the collection of "If you give a mouse a cookie, If you give a mouse a muffin" etc. for $5.00 and the proceeds went to help out children so we bought 2, and Steph bought the pig and the mouse that went with the books!! She's going to have so much fun playing with the stuffed animals while we read her these stories!!! Our little girl is going to be so sick of polka dots by the times she's 2, LOL! It was so much fun looking at girlie clothes, they have a lot of cute CUTE stuff :)
This is very random but we bought a dining room table about a month ago from World Market (our favorite store) because we've had a free table that some friends passed down, their dogs had chewed almost every leg off of every chair, and we thought it was about time we got us a nice one. Plus, they were having an awesome sale! I just thought I would post a picture of it:
I didn't feel like cleaning it off for a good picture, so here you see the diapers, stuffed animals, and the clothing we got. Plus, my new Target purse (love it) and Evan's PEZ dispensers (uh, the boy is 25 and having a child, really you still want to collect these?) But anyways, here's the table, love love love benches, so very happy we finally have a grown up table!
Sunday we went to church and me, Evan, my mom and my sister and Mackenzie met at Babies R Us to get the crib and dresser! Evan and I really need help on what to register for and had some questions about things like strollers, car seats, bottles, monitors etc. and she really really helped us. We've registered for a couple things already, but I think it's going to take us a while, it's so hard, so many tough decisions. So we got the furniture loaded up in the truck, took it home only to find out they gave us the right crib and wrong dresser. Boy was it an ordeal to call them and figure out what happened, and I was not very calm or happy because it's a good 45 min. drive home and my brother-in-law was so kindly letting us use his truck. Well they got it worked out and gave us 20% off of the dresser which was nice, but we had to drive all the way back over there (without Evan b/c he had huddles) and I got to watch as my mom and Amber tried to get this enormously heavy dresser out of the back of the truck and into our garage since there was no way they could get it upstairs. All that work, but we finally have the crib and the dresser, YAY! Here's the pic from BRU
Aren't they cute? They're really heavy duty and seem like they will last! The crib will convert to a toddler bed and eventually a full size bed as well :) Our friends Wes & Diana came over last night to help Evan get the dresser upstairs since the dresser came completely put together (which is nice for Evan not to have to do, but was extremely heavy). We are going to aim to put the crib together tonight after Evan mows the yard :)
I have another treat for you as well. I know some people read this from miles and miles away and do not get the pleasure of seeing my cute little pregnant belly, so I took some pictures. Nothing fancy, and I'm not photogenic but Evan took some pictures. I hope you're happy because normally after wearing scrubs all day I jump into some nice comfy pants and a tank top but I changed into normal clothes just for you guys ;)
I don't know why these pictures look so fuzzy to me, they don't look like that on the computer, but oh well...you get the picture, I have a belly!
We found out that one of our friends Lindsey (who's 2.5 weeks ahead of me) is having a boy, and our other friend Lindsay (who's like 4 days behind me) found out today and I will know tonight (super excited) and Casey (who's almost a month behind me) will find out soon enough! It's so much fun, I can't wait for all of us to have our babies and have play dates :) I'm off for now, have a great rest of the week! 1 comments Posted by Evan and Jen at 5:53 PM
This is very random but we bought a dining room table about a month ago from World Market (our favorite store) because we've had a free table that some friends passed down, their dogs had chewed almost every leg off of every chair, and we thought it was about time we got us a nice one. Plus, they were having an awesome sale! I just thought I would post a picture of it:
I didn't feel like cleaning it off for a good picture, so here you see the diapers, stuffed animals, and the clothing we got. Plus, my new Target purse (love it) and Evan's PEZ dispensers (uh, the boy is 25 and having a child, really you still want to collect these?) But anyways, here's the table, love love love benches, so very happy we finally have a grown up table!
Sunday we went to church and me, Evan, my mom and my sister and Mackenzie met at Babies R Us to get the crib and dresser! Evan and I really need help on what to register for and had some questions about things like strollers, car seats, bottles, monitors etc. and she really really helped us. We've registered for a couple things already, but I think it's going to take us a while, it's so hard, so many tough decisions. So we got the furniture loaded up in the truck, took it home only to find out they gave us the right crib and wrong dresser. Boy was it an ordeal to call them and figure out what happened, and I was not very calm or happy because it's a good 45 min. drive home and my brother-in-law was so kindly letting us use his truck. Well they got it worked out and gave us 20% off of the dresser which was nice, but we had to drive all the way back over there (without Evan b/c he had huddles) and I got to watch as my mom and Amber tried to get this enormously heavy dresser out of the back of the truck and into our garage since there was no way they could get it upstairs. All that work, but we finally have the crib and the dresser, YAY! Here's the pic from BRU
Aren't they cute? They're really heavy duty and seem like they will last! The crib will convert to a toddler bed and eventually a full size bed as well :) Our friends Wes & Diana came over last night to help Evan get the dresser upstairs since the dresser came completely put together (which is nice for Evan not to have to do, but was extremely heavy). We are going to aim to put the crib together tonight after Evan mows the yard :)
I have another treat for you as well. I know some people read this from miles and miles away and do not get the pleasure of seeing my cute little pregnant belly, so I took some pictures. Nothing fancy, and I'm not photogenic but Evan took some pictures. I hope you're happy because normally after wearing scrubs all day I jump into some nice comfy pants and a tank top but I changed into normal clothes just for you guys ;)
I don't know why these pictures look so fuzzy to me, they don't look like that on the computer, but oh well...you get the picture, I have a belly!
We found out that one of our friends Lindsey (who's 2.5 weeks ahead of me) is having a boy, and our other friend Lindsay (who's like 4 days behind me) found out today and I will know tonight (super excited) and Casey (who's almost a month behind me) will find out soon enough! It's so much fun, I can't wait for all of us to have our babies and have play dates :) I'm off for now, have a great rest of the week! 1 comments Posted by Evan and Jen at 5:53 PM
Crazy, busy weekend 1
Last Thursday, at 18 weeks 2 days, I felt the baby move! I was calling my parents for our nightly talk, and the baby kicked me. Immediately Evan put his hand on my belly and felt it too! A few minutes later it felt like the baby had the hiccups, it was so cool :)
Friday was the big day! IT'S A GIRL! We found out that everything is perfect, her weight/size is measuring great, heartbeat is great, they checked a ton of things like 10 fingers/toes, spine, skull etc. and the doctor says everything looks great!!!
There's a profile of our baby girl, and the crotch of our baby girl ;) I have a lot more pictures too, Evan posted them on facebook and I probably will too eventually, but right now I figure these 2 can satisfy you for a while!
Evan and I both just wanted a healthy baby, we really didn't prefer one or the other, but we had only been able to decide on a boys name, boys bedding/room theme/stroller etc. so I guess maybe for that reason we were almost expecting a boy. We are thrilled about a girl though, we have a lot of work ahead of us, especially with her name because we CANNOT find a name we really like, but we have time!
On the way home we went to hallmart and bought a balloon that read "It's a Girl" and they gave us a box so we could put the balloon in the box, and wrap it and that's how we planned to reveal it to our parents! Then we went home and met the carpet cleaners who cleaned practically the whole house. They were really good and quick and now I feel like our house is so much cleaner!
Dinner was great, we sat down and immediately had Mackenzie opening the box that would reveal what everyone had been waiting for all day...here's the short video
After dinner, we immediately headed over to Babies R Us to look at girlie stuff!!! My parents decided a couple months ago that they wanted to buy us a crib, but we hadn't been able to find one we liked in the color we wanted but it was our lucky night, we finally found one! And this one even had a matching dresser/changing table combo which we love :) My parents bought us both of these and they were a decent price too. They were both in stock but we didn't have a truck with us so we were going to come back on Sunday to pick them up. It was so exciting just to know that we finally found the furniture for our girlie :) Ok...that's all for tonight, will post more stuff tomorrow! 1 comments Posted by Evan and Jen at 8:26 PM
Friday was the big day! IT'S A GIRL! We found out that everything is perfect, her weight/size is measuring great, heartbeat is great, they checked a ton of things like 10 fingers/toes, spine, skull etc. and the doctor says everything looks great!!!
There's a profile of our baby girl, and the crotch of our baby girl ;) I have a lot more pictures too, Evan posted them on facebook and I probably will too eventually, but right now I figure these 2 can satisfy you for a while!
Evan and I both just wanted a healthy baby, we really didn't prefer one or the other, but we had only been able to decide on a boys name, boys bedding/room theme/stroller etc. so I guess maybe for that reason we were almost expecting a boy. We are thrilled about a girl though, we have a lot of work ahead of us, especially with her name because we CANNOT find a name we really like, but we have time!
On the way home we went to hallmart and bought a balloon that read "It's a Girl" and they gave us a box so we could put the balloon in the box, and wrap it and that's how we planned to reveal it to our parents! Then we went home and met the carpet cleaners who cleaned practically the whole house. They were really good and quick and now I feel like our house is so much cleaner!
Dinner was great, we sat down and immediately had Mackenzie opening the box that would reveal what everyone had been waiting for all day...here's the short video
After dinner, we immediately headed over to Babies R Us to look at girlie stuff!!! My parents decided a couple months ago that they wanted to buy us a crib, but we hadn't been able to find one we liked in the color we wanted but it was our lucky night, we finally found one! And this one even had a matching dresser/changing table combo which we love :) My parents bought us both of these and they were a decent price too. They were both in stock but we didn't have a truck with us so we were going to come back on Sunday to pick them up. It was so exciting just to know that we finally found the furniture for our girlie :) Ok...that's all for tonight, will post more stuff tomorrow! 1 comments Posted by Evan and Jen at 8:26 PM
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